Monday, January 4, 2010

What will tomorrow bring?

I'm facing two explosions tomorrow; one personal and one professional.

A visit to a bankruptcy attorney. I don't have much planned for the next 3 to 5 years, so this may not be so bad. I feel like the Detroit Lions of financial intelligence, I have no love for credit card companies, but I have change how I view money. This is my New Years resolution, and quitting smoking too. I need something to help keep me in line with smoking cessation; my wife will put up with me sneaking cigarettes just to stop me from whining.


I anxiously await Armageddon Tuesday. I have led the horse to water, but he wouldn't drink my purple kool-aid. Kids, always drink my kool-aid, its for your own good.

Time to move to Canadia or French, they have all the conveniences of our beloved United Jesus-land with much lower stress levels. I just wish they were willing to speak cracka-ass-cracka-cracka in French.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


The Obama gas station at Wyoming and Plymouth Roads in Detroit, Michigan. This is where I buy all necessities: gas, cigarettes, Pepsi, Chore-Boy, and four-inch glass tubes that contain miniature roses; one mother-fucking stop shopping!

I grew up on the outskirts of Detroit and now live in Flint; I am a citizen of the Famine in the Land of Milk and Honey.